Know More. No More. KnoMore.

Stop Drink Spiking Today.

Combat drink spiking one drink at a time using educational and physical resources to prevent and detect drink spiking instances across the nation.
  • Know More

    Answer your questions about drink spiking using KnoMore's contacts and educational resources. Here we answer questions like, "What is drink spiking, and why does it happen?" Drink spiking is the act of someone putting a substance into a drink without the consumer's knowledge. 

  • No More

    What are the ways to combat and prevent drink spiking, from specific viewpoints of various community members?

    We strive to help people know more about drink spiking and stop future cases from happening through our physical and educational resources.

    Learn More 
  • KnoMore

    KnoMore is a 501c3 committed to educating and advocating against drink spiking, through educational and physical resources. In partnership with KnoNap, LLC, America's leading date-rape drug detection drink diagnostic, KnoMore works to amplify community awareness.

    Support our Mission 

KnoMore's Mission

KnoMore uses physical resources like drink tests and covers as well as educational resources such as videos, blogs, contacts, and our "What Now?" campaign to combat drink spiking. We aim to educate and advocate against drink spiking with your help.

Donate Today
  • Contact Resources

    We have worked to assemble a list of resources to contact in case of need. Remember you are not alone, and we are here to help.

    Get Support 
  • "What Now?" Campaign

    In collaboration with law enforcement officials, we have worked to bring you answers to various "What Now?" questions people encounter regarding drink spiking and nights out.

    Next Steps 
  • In the News

    We have compiled a list of articles, videos, and more to bring you the most up to date statistics we can. The first step in preventing drink spiking is knowing about its prevalence and prevention.

    Learn More 
  • Physical Tools

    KnoMore has partnered with KnoNap, LLC to bring the community physical resources including high end date-rape drug detection drink diagnostics and drink covers.

    Explore KnoNap